

A customizable text field block for Nativeblocks.

    name: "Native Text field",
    keyType: "NATIVE_TEXT_FIELD",
    description: "Nativeblocks text field block",
    version: 1
struct NativeTextField: View 

NativeTextField allows for user input with various customization options, such as font, alignment, secure text entry, and event handling.


  • Handles secure and standard text input.

  • Configurable keyboard types, autocapitalization, and autocorrection.

  • Fully customizable font, padding, alignment, and frame.

  • Triggers events for text changes, editing status, and submission.


    text: "Enter your text",
    isEditing: false,
    onCommit: { print("Commit!") },
    onEditingChanged: { isEditing in print("Editing: \(isEditing)") },
    onChange: { newText in print("Changed: \(newText)") }





The current text in the text field.

@NativeBlockData(description: "The current text in the text field.")
    var text: String


The local state of the text field for internal binding.

@State private var localText: String


Indicates whether the text field is currently being edited.

@NativeBlockData(description: "Indicates whether the text field is currently being edited.")
    var isEditing: Bool


Triggered when the text field's editing is committed.

@NativeBlockEvent(description: "Triggered when the text field's editing is committed.")
    var onCommit: () -> Void


Triggered when the editing state changes, with isEditing updated automatically.

        description: "Triggered when the editing state changes. Updates **isEditing** automatically.",
        dataBinding: ["isEditing"]
    var onEditingChanged: (Bool) -> Void


Triggered whenever the text in the text field changes, with text updated automatically.

        description: "Triggered whenever the text changes. Updates **text** automatically.",
        dataBinding: ["text"]
    var onChange: (String) -> Void


Indicates whether the text field hides input for secure entry.

@NativeBlockProp(description: "Hides input for secure entry if set to true.")
    var isSecure: Bool = false


Specifies the keyboard type for the text field.

        description: "Specifies the keyboard type for the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("default", "default"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("asciiCapable", "asciiCapable"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("numbersAndPunctuation", "numbersAndPunctuation"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("URL", "url"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("numberPad", "numberPad"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("phonePad", "phonePad"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("namePhonePad", "namePhonePad"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("emailAddress", "emailAddress"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("decimalPad", "decimalPad"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("twitter", "twitter"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("webSearch", "webSearch"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("asciiCapableNumberPad", "asciiCapableNumberPad"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("alphabet", "alphabet"),
    var keyboardType: String = "default"


Specifies the autocapitalization type for the text field.

        description: "Specifies the autocapitalization type for the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("none", "none"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("allCharacters", "allCharacters"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("sentences", "sentences"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("words", "words"),
    var autocapitalization: String = "none"


Disables autocorrection if set to true.

@NativeBlockProp(description: "Disables autocorrection if set to true.")
    var disableAutocorrection: Bool = false


The font family used in the text field.

        description: "The font family used in the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var fontFamily: String = "system"


The font weight used in the text field.

        description: "The font weight used in the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("regular", "regular"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("thin", "thin"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("medium", "medium"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("semibold", "semibold"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("bold", "bold"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("heavy", "heavy"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("black", "black"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("light", "light"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("ultralight", "ultralight"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var fontWeight: String = "regular"


The font design used in the text field.

        description: "The font design used in the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("default", "default"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("monospaced", "monospaced"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("rounded", "rounded"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("serif", "serif"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var fontDesign: String = "default"


The font size used in the text field.

        description: "The font size used in the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var fontSize: CGFloat = 16


The text color of the text field.

        description: "The text color of the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.COLOR_PICKER,
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var foregroundColor: String = "#ff000000"


The background color of the text field.

@NativeBlockProp(description: "The background color of the text field.")
    var backgroundColor: String = "#00000000"


The layout direction of the text field (LTR or RTL).

        description: "The layout direction of the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("LTR", "LTR"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("RTL", "RTL"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Direction")
    var direction: String = "LTR"


The top padding of the text field.

        description: "The top padding inside the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Padding")
    var paddingTop: CGFloat = 0


The leading (left) padding of the text field.

        description: "The leading padding inside the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Padding")
    var paddingLeading: CGFloat = 0


The bottom padding of the text field.

        description: "The bottom padding inside the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Padding")
    var paddingBottom: CGFloat = 0


The trailing (right) padding of the text field.

        description: "The trailing padding inside the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Padding")
    var paddingTrailing: CGFloat = 0


The width of the text field's frame.

        description: "The width of the text field's frame.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.COMBOBOX_INPUT,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("notSet", "notSet"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("infinity", "infinity"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Size")
    var frameWidth: String = "notSet"


The height of the text field's frame.

        description: "The height of the text field's frame.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.COMBOBOX_INPUT,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("notSet", "notSet"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("infinity", "infinity"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Size")
    var frameHeight: String = "notSet"


The corner radius of the text field.

@NativeBlockProp(description: "The corner radius of the text field.")
    var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 8.0


The horizontal alignment of the text field.

        description: "The horizontal alignment of the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("leading", "leading"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("trailing", "trailing"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("center", "center"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Alignment")
    var alignmentHorizontal: String = "leading"


The vertical alignment of the text field.

        description: "The vertical alignment of the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("top", "top"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("bottom", "bottom"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("center", "center"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("firstTextBaseline", "firstTextBaseline"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Alignment")
    var alignmentVertical: String = "top"


The multiline text alignment of the text field.

        description: "The alignment for multiline text within the text field.",
        valuePicker: NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
        valuePickerOptions: [
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("leading", "leading"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("center", "center"),
            NativeBlockValuePickerOption("trailing", "trailing"),
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var multilineTextAlignment: String = "leading"


The maximum number of lines allowed in the text field.

        description: "The maximum number of lines for the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var lineLimit: Int = 9999


The spacing between lines of text.

        description: "The spacing between lines of text in the text field.",
        valuePickerGroup: NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Font")
    var lineSpacing: CGFloat = 0


var body: some View