A customizable column block for Nativeblocks.
name = "Native Column",
keyType = "NATIVE_COLUMN",
description = "Nativeblocks column block",
version = 1
fun NativeColumn()
NativeColumn provides a flexible and customizable vertical layout for the Nativeblocks ecosystem. It supports dynamic content, alignment, padding, scrolling, background customization, and click actions.
Dynamically composable content through slots.
Configurable alignment, scrolling, padding, and size.
Background, border, and corner radius customization.
Trigger click events.
content = { _ -> Text("Hello, World!") },
width = "match",
height = "wrap",
scrollable = true,
paddingStart = 16.0,
paddingTop = 16.0,
background = "#FFFFFF",
onClick = { println("Column clicked!") }
The content of the column, defined as a slot.
@NativeBlockSlot(description = "Slot for composing child content within the column.")
var content: @Composable (index: BlockIndex) -> Unit
Specifies the width of the column.
description = "The width of the column (e.g., 'match' or 'wrap').",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Size"),
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.COMBOBOX_INPUT,
valuePickerOptions = [
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("match", "Match parent"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("wrap", "Wrap content")
var width: String = "wrap"
valuePicker: Dropdown picker to choose width.
valuePickerOptions: Includes options like "match" and "wrap".
Specifies the height of the column.
description = "The height of the column (e.g., 'match' or 'wrap').",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Size"),
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.COMBOBOX_INPUT,
valuePickerOptions = [
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("match", "Match parent"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("wrap", "Wrap content")
var height: String = "wrap"
Determines if the column should be scrollable.
description = "Determines if the column should be scrollable.",
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
valuePickerOptions = [
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("false", "false"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("true", "true")
var scrollable: Boolean = false
Padding on the start side of the box.
description = "Padding on the start side of the box.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Spacing")
var paddingStart: Double = 0.0
Padding on the top side of the box.
description = "Padding on the top side of the box.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Spacing")
var paddingTop: Double = 0.0
Padding on the end side of the box.
description = "Padding on the end side of the box.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Spacing")
var paddingEnd: Double = 0.0
Padding on the bottom side of the box.
description = "Padding on the bottom side of the box.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Spacing")
var paddingBottom: Double = 0.0
Sets the background color of the column.
description = "Background color of the column in hexadecimal format.",
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.COLOR_PICKER
var background: String = "#00000000"
Specifies the layout direction of the column.
description = "The layout direction of the column (e.g., 'LTR' or 'RTL').",
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.DROPDOWN,
valuePickerOptions = [
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("LTR", "LTR"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("RTL", "RTL")
var direction: String = "LTR"
Configures corner radii for the column.
description = "Top-start corner radius in DP.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Radius"),
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.NUMBER_INPUT
var radiusTopStart: Double = 0.0
description = "Top-end corner radius in DP.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Radius"),
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.NUMBER_INPUT
var radiusTopEnd: Double = 0.0
description = "Bottom-start corner radius in DP.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Radius"),
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.NUMBER_INPUT
var radiusBottomStart: Double = 0.0
description = "Bottom-end corner radius in DP.",
valuePickerGroup = NativeBlockValuePickerPosition("Radius"),
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.NUMBER_INPUT
var radiusBottomEnd: Double = 0.0
Arranges child components vertically.
description = "Vertical arrangement of child components inside the column.",
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.COMBOBOX_INPUT,
valuePickerOptions = [
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("top", "top"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("bottom", "bottom"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("center", "center"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("spaceBetween", "Space Between"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("spaceAround", "Space Around"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("spaceEvenly", "Space Evenly")
var verticalArrangement: String = "top"
Aligns child components horizontally.
description = "Horizontal alignment of child components inside the column.",
valuePicker = NativeBlockValuePicker.COMBOBOX_INPUT,
valuePickerOptions = [
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("start", "Start"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("end", "End"),
NativeBlockValuePickerOption("centerHorizontally", "Center Horizontally"),
var horizontalAlignment: String = "start"
Handles tap events.
description = "Callback triggered when the column is clicked."
var onClick: (() -> Unit)? = null