
Xcode Plugin

Nativeblocks provides Xcode plugin to upload generated codes to its server

The Nativeblocks gradle plugin is a tool that for uploading JSON generated and prepare schema by compiler to Nativeblocks servers

How it works

There is no extra step to add XCode plugin if the compiler package has been added to the project

It needed to provide compiler arguments, Properties belonging to each Studio account, from Nativeblocks Studio, find Link Device and copy properties to nativeblocks.json file

    "endpoint": "",
    "authToken": "",
    "organizationId": ""

Note: if you are using community version, there is no need to add endpoint, authToken and organizationId

After you add the plugin it adds 2 tasks to your target, keep in your mind that each command will bind to the each flavor of the application


To upload generated JSON to nativeblocks servers, run Sync command



To prepare JSON to nativeblocks DSL and CLI, run PrepareSchema command
